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Easy Bread Recipe With Stand Mixer

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Bread is a staple food in many households, and learning how to make it from scratch can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the help of a stand mixer, making bread has never been easier. This easy bread recipe with stand mixer is perfect for beginners who want to try their hands at bread-making. The dough is mixed in a stand mixer, which saves a lot of time and effort. The end result is a delicious, crusty bread that can be enjoyed with your favorite toppings.

Prep Time

The prep time for this easy bread recipe with stand mixer is approximately 20 minutes.

Cook Time

The cook time for this easy bread recipe with stand mixer is approximately 30 minutes.


The ingredients needed for this easy bread recipe with stand mixer are: - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 1/2 teaspoons salt - 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast - 1 1/2 cups warm water - 1 tablespoon olive oil


The equipment needed for this easy bread recipe with stand mixer are: - Stand mixer with dough hook attachment - Measuring cups and spoons - Mixing bowl - Plastic wrap - Baking sheet - Oven


1. In the mixing bowl of the stand mixer, combine the flour, salt, and yeast. 2. Add the warm water and olive oil to the mixing bowl and stir until a shaggy dough forms. 3. Attach the dough hook attachment to the mixer and knead the dough on medium speed for 8-10 minutes. 4. Once the dough is smooth and elastic, remove it from the mixing bowl and shape it into a ball. 5. Place the dough ball into a clean mixing bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. 6. Let the dough rise in a warm place for 1-2 hours or until it has doubled in size. 7. Preheat the oven to 450°F. 8. Punch down the dough and shape it into a round loaf. 9. Place the loaf onto a baking sheet and let it rise for another 10-15 minutes. 10. Use a sharp knife to make a few slashes across the top of the bread. 11. Bake the bread in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the bread sounds hollow when tapped. 12. Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack before slicing and serving.


- To check if the yeast is still active, you can dissolve it in water and add a pinch of sugar. If the mixture becomes frothy and bubbly after a few minutes, the yeast is still good to use. - You can add different herbs and spices to the dough to customize the flavor of the bread. - If you don't have a stand mixer, you can knead the dough by hand for 15-20 minutes.

Nutrition Info

This easy bread recipe with stand mixer yields approximately 12 servings. Each serving contains: - Calories: 110 - Fat: 1g - Carbohydrates: 22g - Fiber: 1g - Protein: 3g

Recipes FAQ

Q: Can I use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour in this recipe? A: Yes, you can use whole wheat flour or a combination of all-purpose and whole wheat flour. Q: Can I freeze the bread? A: Yes, you can freeze the bread for up to 3 months. Make sure to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil before freezing. Q: Can I add cheese or other toppings to the bread before baking? A: Yes, you can add cheese, garlic, herbs, or other toppings to the bread before baking.

Recipe Tips

- Make sure to use warm water (around 110°F) to activate the yeast. - Letting the dough rise in a warm place helps it to rise faster. - You can brush the top of the bread with olive oil or egg wash before baking to create a shiny, golden crust. - Don't slice the bread until it has cooled down completely to prevent it from becoming soggy.

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